A quick fix energy boost

We all know this.

Life gets crazy. Things start to pile up. Stuff hang around. Paperwork overflows the desk.
And so on.


And you just LONG to fix it up, clear it out and enjoy a fresh and inspiring space.

But, let’s face it – sometimes there’s really NO time to take care of it. Or another space to put it, for that matter. I’ve experienced both, so I know all about it…

Hang tight, my friend, I’ve got you covered. Let me introduce you to my own little homemade concept, that’s helped me sooooo many times; Recluttering! And nope, that’s not a typo.?

Move it!

Yup, you read that right.

Simply just move things around.

You see, when stuff starts to add up, the atmosphere easily begins to feel stale and stagnant. Things collect dust (sad but true fact) and that also just adds to the dormant feel.

The trick is to awaken the space, to stir things up and to get the space going – if that makes sense?

So, move things around, rearrange whatever you can – and we are talking small, quick fixes here!

? Maybe that just means moving a pile of paper to the other side of the desk (yay!).

? Or put several small piles into one big one – with a bonus of a bit more free space (hooray!).

? Or shovel down all the stuff that has ended up on your kitchen table – and actually just put it anywhere else for the moment, just to get a clear table (yessss!).

? Or take that unidentified stuff camping on the floor and just move that pile a bit (woohoo!).

Because, how silly it may sound (and it might even feel a bit silly when you do it – but don’t let that stop you!), you’ll feel the difference. Promise.

Your little reminder here will be:

If you can’t remove it – just re-move it!

Quite easy, right? And totally doable.

And no, of course, this is not a long-term solution. This won’t give you a WOWZA experience, and this won’t create your magical sanctuary (you’ll get to that another day☺).

BUT – it will help you, here and now.

And if this is what you can do at the moment – that’s better than nothing!

So, move things around, baby, just move things around. And happy recluttering!?

Over to you!

  • Did you have any “aha” after reading this?
  • What’s your biggest struggle when it comes to things piling up?
  • Do you have any quick fix tip when it comes to this that you want to share?

Share in the comments below, I’d love to hear from you!

And if you have any questions – ask away below too. Your question might help somebody else, and I’m happy to answer! And, of course, there is no such thing as a stupid question – but you know that already, right?

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thanks for reading!
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Photo by planetMitch aunger on Unsplash

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